We're rewriting an application in ETA since SSL is end of life.
Part of the application logic examines the FIELD_LIST_NO field in the MarketFeed Header.
For example in Record_Response and Snap_Response (340), the record is defined as:
Some examples of data (using SSL) up to the beginning of the FID/VALUE section are:
In these messages, the FIELD_LIST_NO has values of: 38, 74, 77, 78, and 79
The (apparently partial) list of meanings for these fields is:
static const int FieldList_ALL_FUTURES_B = 20;
static const int FieldList_NMTS_NBIDASK = 21;
static const int FieldList_MARKET_INDEX_A = 77;
static const int FieldList_LINK_A = 80;
static const int FieldList_PAGE_25X80 = 82;
static const int FieldList_SPREAD = 83;
static const int FieldList_LONGLINK = 85;
static const int FieldList_CM2000 = 89;
(Of the values seen in the data, the only one that we appear to have a definition or is 77)
In any case, our existing code appears to have particular affinity for types 80 and 85.
Is it possible to recreate this field by extracting one or more values from the various data structures and messages available using the ETA API?
Or did the original author write something using undocumented features of MarketFeed (resulting either some very magic or a bit of cruft -- or both)