I'm a MA student and using Eikon Excel for my financial thesis on ESG and M&A.
I have all my M&A and financials data, including the date of the annoucement. I would like to retrieve through the TR function the target ESG score one year before the annoucement date. That's on this last point that I experience an issue. I can't call the cell with the date and setting one year before.
I tried this formula but it does not work :
=@TR($E2;";TR.RIC;TR.CommonName;TR.TRESGCScoreGrade.date;TR.TRESGCScoreGrade;TR.TRESGCScore";"Period=FY-1 Sdate:#1 Edate:#1";;$B2 )
B2 being the cell with the announcement date.
Your help would be precious
Thanks a lot