Is there an API available for the Marketpsych app on the Eikon terminal? Thanks
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Hi @Danni Qiu
According to the MarketPsych page - it states that you should be able to access the MarketPsych Dataset using Eikon or RDP APIs
MarketPsych | Refinitiv
Not able to find the related data with either Eikon or RDP APIs.
Would you mind providing me a sample for it?
Most of the moderators on this forum are not content experts - and I personally am not familiar at all with MarketPsych.
Your best bet would be to create a Content Ticket at My.Refinitiv to get advice from a MarketPsych content expert.
A specialist on the desktop trading team did share some 'MarketPsych' code on a teams channel - but not sure this is what you would be after - sharing below just in case:
# Connection String - import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ekek.set_app_key('DEFAULT_CODE_BOOK_APP_KEY')#Example to get constituent data from a df, err = ek.get_data("0#SOC-RAPOIL", "DSPLY_NAME")rics = df["Instrument"].tolist()df,err = ek.get_data(rics,["CF_NAME","CF_LAST", "SEC_ACT_1","VALUE_DT1","VALUE_TS1"])df....df, err = ek.get_data("0#SOC-RAPOIL", ["CF_NAME","CF_LAST", "SEC_ACT_1","VALUE_DT1","VALUE_TS1"])df....List = ek.get_data("0#/.FTAI", "DSPLY_NAME")rics = List[0]NamesList = rics['Instrument'].astype(str).values.tolist()df,err = ek.get_data(NamesList,["TR.CompanyName", "TR.ICBIndustry"])df
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.