Export M&A Leauge Tables using API

Is it possible to extract M&A Leauge Tables for different time periods using the API and store them in a dataframe?

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    Hi @flammers ,

    The Screener app can be used to extract M&A League tables. You may check this article for more detail: Find Your Right Companies with SCREENER | Eikon Data APIs(Python)

    The screenshot below is an example of filtering universe: Deals, Asset Class: M&A, and Date announced: Last Month (you may add any other filters you'd like to)


    from the Screener app, here's the Eikon Excel @TR formula

    =@TR("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/),  relativedate(TR.MnAAnnDate,LM)/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)","TR.MnASDCDealNumber;TR.MnARankDate;TR.MnARankValueIncNetDebt(Curn=USD,Scale=6);TR.MnATarget;TR.MnATargetPermId;TR.MnATargetMacroInd;TR.MnATargetMidInd;T"&"R.MnATargetNation;TR.MnAAcquiror;TR.MnAAcquirorPermId;TR.MnAAcquirorMacroInd;TR.MnAAcquirorMidInd;TR.MnAAcquirorNation;TR.MnATargetFinAdvisor(Concat='|');TR.MnAAcquirorFinAdvisor(Concat='|');TR.MnAAnnDate","CH=Fd")

    From that, it can be transformed to Python code as

    import eikon as ek
    ek.set_app_key('#### YOUR EIKON APP KEY ####')

    df,err = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), relativedate(TR.MnAAnnDate,LM)/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)"