Is there a TR data type that I can call in get_data that would give me Asset Class? and I mean specifically Asset Class, not Asset Category.
Hello @carlos.bonilla ,
I think what you are looking for may be fid RECORDTYPE. Looking it up with Data Item Browser (DIB):
However, the information in RECORDTYPE (fid 259 for realtime) is not always straightforward to interpret for developers.
In my view, if you require to identify all or many of the record types, would like to suggest to review developer article Using FID 259 to identify your market data records to find out the details, if you are looking for a specific one or very few, would suggest to engage with Rifinitiv content experts via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon and have them help you identify the one(s) per your requirement.
If this is not it and you require different content, I would also suggest to directly contact our content support.
Hope this information helps