...lar, plural, hyphens etc.
I am trying to understand how I should account for all possible cases, when I am looking for companies that contain a compound keyword in their Business Description. For the sake of illustrating my point, let us take the following company:
Company Common Name: Oxford Lasers Ltd
Identifier: 4296593425
Business Description: Supplies laser solutions to science and industry. The Company provides imaging solutions using digital high speed cameras, lasers and software. The Company also provides precision laser micro machining using repetition rate pulsed lasers to provide system solutions for industrial production.
Now let us say that I would be interested in finding all companies that contain laser solutions in the Business Description, but of course, I would also like to pick all variations around it: laser solutions, Laser solutions, Laser Solutions, LASER SOLUTIONS, laser solution, laser-solutions, lasers solutions, lasers solution ... and all the rest. I care about the meaning of the keyword.
I tested 8 different cases list above. The first 5 work (i.e. they return Oxford Lasers Ltd):
- laser solutions
- Laser solutions
- Laser Solutions
- laser solution.
But the last 3 don't:
- laser-solutions
- lasers solutions
- lasers solution
The Business Description contains laser solutions. Interestingly, laser solution works, but lasers solution does not. It seems like the keyword search accounts for the singular of the typed word (when the word is plural), but it does not work the other way around: when the typed keyword is singular, its plural is not picked up.
I would like to know how I can pick all possible variations. I can experiment with all possible variations I can come up with, to infer what the code in refinitiv is doing, but it would be more efficient if someone told me directly what is going on in the backend. Therefore:
What is the piece of code that is processing the inputed keyword, as shown in the image below?
Or from my Jupyter notebook:
syntax = f"SCREEN(U(IN(Private(OrgType(COM, UNK, MKP)))),"\
f" IN(TR.HQCountryCode,""GB""),"\
f" IN(TR.TRBCEconSectorCode,""56""),"\
f" IN(TR.TRBCIndustryCode,""56101010""),"\
f" Contains(TR.BusinessSummary,\'{keyword}\'),"\
f" CURN=USD, TR.OrganizationStatusCode=Act)"
fields = ["TR.CommonName"]
df, e = ek.get_data(syntax, fields)