We have a python script that we use internally to get some financial data on a universe of companies and the script works for one employee but not for me. We have tried various solutions but it seems that there is a problem with my computer/setup rather than the script and i need help fixing it. I am logged into the Eikon platform when running the script. I have all the relevant keys installed. The error that is returned is:
EikonError: Error code 401 | Eikon Proxy not running or cannot be reached. Please read the documentation on troubleshooting
Before this, the other warnings returned are:
Error: no proxy address identified.
Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
Error on handshake url : UnsupportedProtocol("Request URL is missing an 'http://'; or 'https://'; protocol.")
LocalProtocolError("Illegal header value b'c52a871a9de145769ef77d8f71024c2c5b35773d\\n'")
I am using the same python environment that my colleague uses to run the script so all the packages and versions of them are the same. The script is called from one main file but then calls nine other python files which all run fine on my colleague's computer.
We have tried to fix the problem together but have spent so long on it I just need someone to help from Refinitiv. Thanks in advance.