Hi all,
I requesting the following FIDs for the RIC code RBU2. According with the documentation of the WebSocket API, I’m doing this request,
const ItemRequest = {
ID: itemID,
Key: {
Name: 'RBU2',
View: [
I’m receiving messages like this:
"ID": 3,
"Type": "Update",
"UpdateType": "Trade",
"DoNotConflate": true,
"Key": {
"Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",
"Name": "RBU2"
"SeqNumber": 31566,
"Fields": {
"TRDPRC_1": 3.2332,
"TRDVOL_1": 1
"ID": 3,
"Type": "Update",
"UpdateType": "Quote",
"Key": {
"Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",
"Name": "RBU2"
"SeqNumber": 32256,
"Fields": {
"BID": 3.2329,
"QUOTIM_NS": "15:39:04.788002823",
"QUOTE_DATE": "2022-07-05",
"ASK": 3.2358,
As you can see, these fields are never in the same message. Is there a way or an option to specify that I want all the fields on the same message?
I’ve doing some test and some messages has “UpdateType”: “multiple”, and these messages have them together