I'd like to download the history of annual report filings dates for a set of ISINs. Currently, my search query using the Python API looks like this:
df, err = eikon.get_data(
['TR.ISSourceDate', 'TR.ISSource', 'TR.ISOriginalAnnouncementDate', 'TR.ISPeriodEndDate', 'TR.ISPeriodEndDate.fpa'], {'SDate': '2000-01-01' , 'EDate': '2022-07-05' }
I am, however, not entirely sure that this query gives me the correct publication dates. For example, for the firm "FR0000124141", the query gives me following two data points:

When I use Eikon Desktop to check the filing dates there, I see various publication events that occur immediately in the year after the fiscal year ends.

Given that comparison, what is the correct way to extract precise annual report publication dates using the API?