As mentioned in the title, how can I filter cases using API. The use case I am trying to achieve is to get all cases with Resolution Status = Positive. Going through the v2.46 documentation I believe I am able to use the following API.
POST /cases/summaries
However, the query seems to support the following fields only.
'modificationDate' - Time when the case has been modified by the user;
'assignedUserId' - Identifier of the User cases are assigned to;
'groupId' - Identifier of the Group that owns the case
'creator' - Case author
'modifier' - Author of recent changes
*When testing out the API, noticed that creator and modifier will return the following error:
"cause": "Query attribute 'modifier' is invalid."
Are there any query fields I may miss out or any API/methods that can help me achieve my use case?
Thank you,