I'm trying to translate an Excel request table in a Python download procedure.
I can't find the exact match for some static datatypes:
Excel fieldDescriptionPythonISINISINTR.ISINSECDSedolTR.SEDOLA4NAMEESG Company NameTR.CommonNameNAMEDatastream Security NameSECUR_NAME (no values returned)A4CURESG CurrencyCF_CURRA4STATUSDatastream Security Status
A4YEARESG Latest Fiscal Year
CLPACTYEARESG Actual Fiscal Year
CLPYEARENDESG Fiscal Year End DateTR.CompanyFYearEndENERDP124CO2 Estimation MethodTR.CO2EstimationMethodSOCODP066List of Critical Countries
CGBSDP019Board Structure TypeTR.BoardStructureTypeCGBSDP53Board Member Membership LimitsTR.BoardMembershipLimitsCGVSDP033CSR Sustainability External Auditor NameCSRReportingExternalAuditName
Using "Data Item Browser" I wasn't able to find out any correspondance for the empty cells.
Any hint will be appreciated.