Client is trying to extract the Tick History data via Pythin API ,can you pls advice how to get the ReportTemplateId of existing reports?
Sorry about the issue that you are facing.
You can use the following endpoint to get all report templates.
GET https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ReportTemplates
The response looks like this:
The response contains the ReportTemplateID field.
Otherwise, you can use /Extractions/ReportTemplateGetByName endpoint to get the report template by it's name.
GET https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ReportTemplateGetByName(Name='Composit_ALL')
The output is:
For more information, please refer to the DSS REST API Reference Tree.
I hope that this information is of help
thanks @Jirapongse , this will work using Python APi, correct?
Yes, it is REST API so it will work with any programming languages that support HTTP requests including Python.
thanks @Jirapongse