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How can I get a list of all companies with the RIC code available in the database (refinitiv and/or datastream and/or permID)?


I wanted to know if it was possible to get a list of all the companies available in the database (which preferably exists to date) and which have a CEO and CFO in the entity.

I use Renitiv and datastream.

Also, how can I get this list via permID?

Thanks a lot,

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Hello @loic.dubois60000 ,

The underlying implementation of RIC Search tool on developers portal is based on Refinitiv Data Platform Search, that is very powerful in terms of search capabilities, you may wish to review article Building Search into your Application Workflow and it is not intended for bulk downloads and a request is capped at 10k per request- it will not bring back the complete requirement.

From here it depends on your specific requirement, I would try to better understand if this is a once-off or a continuous need for your organization, and if there are other, related requirements to be considered.

You can aim design with RDP search or Eikon Screener and apply divide and conquer approach to the problem, breaking up the request into sub-requests and assembling the sub-results into a result. See if this approach works

You can explore integrating with Data reference products, for example Datascope Select offers enterprise-strength reference data integration, by reaching out to your organization's Refinitiv account team to discuss your complete requirement and to best advise you on the relevant products and the available approach to integrate.

Hope that this information is of help

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Hello @loic.dubois60000 ,

This forum is primarily intended for questions on how to use APIs. For questions on finding content, Refinitiv content experts are best to advise, and can be contacted directly via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online.

With this disclaimer, I would like to share a developer's angle on this requirement: by narrowing down your requirement, for example, dividing it into multiple sub-requirements, you can obtain the information using Screener tool. One possible division could be by country of origin or exchange. Please see this previous discussion thread for the steps on how to approach a narrower requirement of this nature.

Hope that this information is of help.

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Thanks a lot for your answer.

I am sorry for my not very relevant question.

However, the screener option I know but it did not give the expected results...

I was wondering if there wasn't an API linked to PermID that would allow me to obtain the list of companies in the database. Indeed, I went to the following link:

I can find 13 million companies but when I click on "Companies/Issuers (13,295,344), only 10,000 companies are displayed...

So I think an API would allow me to get the whole list.

Am I right?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience...


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