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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' - Eikon API


I am getting the below error when I try to pull data from Eikon API - sometimes, not always.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Can someone please help me.

I am pulling expire date for a set of RICs.



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@sreedhanya.kavunkara thanks for your question - it seems you are using a get_data in a loop and you may have a large amount of RICs per call as well as a potentially large set of fields being requested. Please review the limits of the Eikon get_data function here. The fact that the request is working intermittently probably means its due to load on service. Generally the advice is to break request down into more manageable chunks to reduce probability of serverside timeout. Also - maybe wrap each request in a try-except block and represent after some seconds to see if it completes.

Also could you please add which version of the Eikon library you are using?

I hope this can help.

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