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User is using API Python to retrieve EOD data but received an error

screener_exp ='SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))), IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,TH))'

field2 = ['TR.TickerSymbol','TR.PriceCloseDate','TR.PriceOpen','TR.PriceHigh','TR.PriceLow','TR.CLOSEPRICE','TR.Volume','TR.TSVWAP','TR.CompanyMarketCap']

parameter={'SDate':0, 'EDate':0, 'Frq' : 'D' }

df = pd.DataFrame()
df, e = ek.get_data(screener_exp,fields=field2, parameters=parameter)

The error that client received

Instrument HTECH.BK
Ticker Symbol HTECH
Date 2022-12-21T00:00:00Z
Price Open 3.94
Price High 3.98
Price Low 3.92
Close Price NaN
Volume 124100
Company Market Cap 1.188e+09

no vwap and close_price , and retrieve only 8-10 stocks .

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Try '0' as string value of 'SDate' and 'EDate' in parameter instead of numeric 0.


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Hi Ladaporn,

Your code got no big problem at my end. I replaced 'TR.CLOSEPRICE', with 'TR.PriceClose'. It returns 887 stocks as shown below.


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@frank.ling1 but you also facing the same with "TR.TSVWAP " : <NA> , could you pls help check

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1 0 0 3

Thank you @frank.ling1 , client is able to retrieve data now

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10 |1500

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.