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Is it possible to use RFA api to connect to Cloud

Hello, we are using RFA 8.1 C++ api to consume L1 and L2 data using OMM format. Is it possible to use same api's to connect to cloud. Basically we want to consume data from Refinitiv real time optimized feed which I suppose is hosted in cloud? Can we connect to it using RFA 8.1 C++ api ? At a very high level I know there is something called LPC(Legacy protocol converter) that can be used for this purpose.

I know it can be done using EMA api's but we are not prepared for that transition yet.

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Hello @mktdata

The Refinitiv Real-Time -- Optimized (RTO) is the Refinitiv Real-Time platform hosted in the Cloud. Unfortunately, the RFA API (C++, Java, and .Net editions) cannot connect to the RTO directly. The API needs to connect to the cloud via the LPC (Legacy Protocol Converter) as shown in the following diagram:

RFA API --> LPC -->  RTO Cloud

Note: The connection between the RFA API and LPC is RSSL.

If you are interested in migrating to the strategic APIs, here are the resources for you:

Hope this helps.

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