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Field description for News Feed NFCP_UBMS

image-135.jpgWe are retrieving the news feed universe = NFCP_UBMS but would like to understand the possible field values and there definitions. Can anyone help me ? Attached the list and fields we are receiving at the moment. Is this universe the best/only one to use in case we would like to see all news for now ?

image-135.jpg (318.7 KiB)
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@zorn Thanks for your question - you can pull up a quote window and for the RIC type in NFCP_UBMS and you will see each news item streaming through. All fields available are listed there and then you can search for those fields in the Data Item Browser App (type DIB into eikon search bar). I attach two picture of these:

Quote Window:


Data Item Browser - Field Description - you can filter forReal-Time fields only


So in the Description tab you can see a brief field description. I hope this can help - but as this is more of a content query - if the details in the DIB are not good enough - you can open a content query ticket using the Contact Us button in Eikon. I hope this can be of help.

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1674116312012.png (223.7 KiB)
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@jason.ramchandani01 Thanks a lot for your reply, very helpful

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

@zorn Happy it was helpful :)

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