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Eikon Data in Python: Refintiv Workspace vs. Eikon


we are currently using Eikon Desktop to activiate the Eikon Data API in order to receive eikon data via Python (GUI: Spyder, Package "eikon").

Unfortunatelly, we have to migrate to a Windows Server Environment. To my knowledge, Eikon Desktop has no server version, therefore, we can not install or use it in the new environment. However, in order to use the Eikon Data API, Eikon Desktop has to be run on the same local machine. Therefore, we are looking for a solution as otherwise we can not continue using Eikon Data in Python.

To my knowledge, Refintiiv Workspace might be a solution. It can be run via a browser, therefore no installation is needed and we should still be able to use the Eikon Data API and get Data into Python.

So far, we have tested this approach in our current (desktop) environment. However, when I run Refinitiv Workspace, I receive the usual error message in python, that die Eikon Data API is not working (s. below). When I run Eikon Desktop, everything is working fine as usual.

Therefore, I have the following questions:
1) How can we continue using Eikon Data in our new WIndows Server Envrionment?

2) Is Refinitiv Workspace a potential solution to our issue?

3) As exceptions to the firewall in our new envrionment have to be implemented manually:
Which ports / URL and other Procedures are used?



2023-01-27 11:43:10,309 P[12284] [MainThread 26232] Error: no proxy address identified.
Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
2023-01-27 11:43:12,318 P[12284] [MainThread 26232] Error on handshake url : ConnectError("[Errno 10061] Connect call failed ('', 9060)")
2023-01-27 11:43:12,319 P[12284] [MainThread 26232] Error on handshake url : ConnectError("[Errno 10061] Connect call failed ('', 9060)")
2023-01-27 11:43:12,321 P[12284] [MainThread 26232] Port number was not identified, cannot send any request

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@thomas.osowski Thanks for your question and sorry to hear about the issue you are facing. So you are correct that the Eikon Data API requires access to a local Eikon terminal running - as all API calls go via a proxy that is embedded in Eikon/WorkSpace. The same is true of Workspace. The web versions of Eikon and Workspace do not expose the proxy and cannot be used for an API session.

One notable exception is to use WorksSpace to power web apps open in the same browser window as the WorkSpace Web instance using the Refinitiv Workspace SDK and our TypeScript Refinitiv Data Library. I think if you wish to go Server side - you probably would want to look the Refinitiv Data Platform product which does not rely on the desktop proxy and provides access to the Refinitiv Data Platform and services directly. It uses the same Refinitiv Data Library in Python - as we have code portability across the platform. I hope this can help - I wish I has a better answer for you.

What datasets are you looking to access out of interest - streaming, non-streaming, price histories, fundamentals etc?

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