

RFA C++ library upgrade from 7.4

We are currently using RFA library(c++) version rfa7.4.0.L1.linux.rrg and would like to upgrade to the latest version which is compatible to existing 7.4.0.L1 version i.e no interface changes with minimal functional changes. Could you please recommend which version of RFA is suitable for upgrade ? The highest 7.X version or the 8.X version ?
The target OS for the RFA use is CENTOS 7.9

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Hello @sandesh.nagarakudigesuresh

Thank you for contacting us. Are you using the OMM interface/RSSL connection?

If so, you should take a look at RFA 8.x version.

But if you are using the Markegfeed interface/SSL connection, the highest 7.x version (the latest version as of Jan 2023 is 7.8.x) is the only one you can "upgrade".

By the way, please be informed that the RFA API is a feature-completed (non-strategic) API. You may consider the Enterprise Message API – C++ edition (EMA C++ API) which is a part of the strategic Refinitiv Real-Time SDK family.

You can find more detail about the EMA C++ API from the following resources:

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Thanks wasin.
We are using RSSL connection so i think we can upgrade to 8.X version . Can you let me know if we can use version rfa8.2.2.L1.linux.rrg ?
We also would like to know which library version is compatible with CENTOS 7.9 ?
I read in the forums somewhere that we can use OL7_64_GCC482 but want to confirm .

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Hi @sandesh.nagarakudigesuresh,

In addition to the information provided by Wasin, please note that End of Life notice will be sent out for RFA7.x and Marketfeed in this quarter. My recommendation is to not waste time in upgrading to RFA 7.x, and switch to EMA instead - it is considerably easier to use and maintain compared to RFA API.

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Hello @sandesh.nagarakudigesuresh

I must admit that I am not the C++ API guy. According to the RFA C++ 8.2.2.L1 README file (the file is available in the API package), the supported OS/Compilers are as follows:

5.1 Hardware/OS Requirements
      - HP Intel PC or AMD Opteron (32/64-bit)
      - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 6.0 32/64-bit
      - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 7.0 64-bit
      - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 8.0 64-bit      
      - Oracle Linux Server 6.0 32/64-bit
      - Oracle Linux Server 7.0 64-bit
      - CentOS Linux 7.0 64-bit
      - CentOS Linux 8.0 64-bit
5.2 Software Requirements
      - GCC compiler suite version 4.4.4 or higher for RHAS 6.0 (32/64-bit)
      - GCC compiler suite version 4.4.4 or higher for OLS 6.0 (32/64-bit)
      - GCC compiler suite version 4.8.2 or higher for OLS 7.0 (64-bit)
      - GCC compiler suite version 4.8.2 or higher for CentOS 7.0 (64-bit)
      - GCC compiler suite version 8.3.1 or higher for RHAS 8.0 (64-bit)
      - GCC compiler suite version 8.3.1 or higher for CentOS 8.0 (64-bit)

I highly recommend you check the API Compatibility Matrix document on this page for more information.


compat-matrix-1.png (125.5 KiB)
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.