if an Elements-Contianer takes is an Entry of Type "Array", are the Type-Attribute describing the Entry containing "Array" or the name of the DataType that the Array contains?
Kind regards
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if an Elements-Contianer takes is an Entry of Type "Array", are the Type-Attribute describing the Entry containing "Array" or the name of the DataType that the Array contains?
Kind regards
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Yes, an element entry can contain an array.
"Elements": { "Name": "ERT_FD3_LF1", "SupportsQoSRange": 0, "Capabilities": { "Type": "Array", "Data": { "Type": "UInt", "Data": [5,6,10,11,13,18,19] } },
For example, the source directory domain contains the element list. The element entry named "Capabilities" contains an array of unsigned integers.
I hope that this information is of help.
thank you for this quick response, but your answer does not match to my questions? Please read it carefull.
Kind regards