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Downloading multiple tearsheets at once


I would like to download multiple Shareholder Activism Tearsheets at once. When I open the Corporate Governance Market Overview in Eikon, I can see a list of Shareholder Activism Campaigns with some high-level information (e.g. activist, target, status). However, I'm interested in more detailed data that I can access when I click on the Tearsheet of the campaign (see Screenshot 1.png). The problem is that I need this information for a few hundred campaigns and I cannot download all Tearsheets at once. The only workaround that I found so far was downloading every single Tearsheet, which would take way too much time. I already tried creating a Python script with the code creator, but I cannot make it run. When I try to use the Deal Number of the campaign (in the top right corner of the Tearsheet) as an identifier for the function, it only gives me empty values. I already found the relevant Data Items in the code creator (see Screenshot 2.png), so there must be a way to extract the data via Python or Excel. I believe that I haven't figured out which identifier/universe to use to access these Shareholder Activism Campaign.

So, I would be more than grateful if you could tell me how to download the data of Shareholder Activism campaigns on a larger scale. I don't care if it will work via Python or Excel, I just need a way so that I don't have to download hundreds of Tearsheets manually.

Thank you in advance.

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@maa1112 Thanks for your question - so the first step is to create a deal universe and this can be achieved via API as follows:

import refinitiv.data as rd
from refinitiv.data.content import search
    filter = "TransactionAnnouncementDate ge 2023-01-01",
    select = "DocumentTitle,SdcDealNumber,TransactionAnnouncementDate,AcquirerRIC,AcquirerOAPermId,SellerOAPermId,SellerRIC,TargetOAPermId,TargetRIC,TransactionStatus,TargetRegion",
    top = 10000


This will give you a list of deals with Deal Number (SdcDealNumber) and also AcquirerRIC and also TargetRIC (or PermID). Once you have these you can use the get_data API call to get more specific info about the deal that you showed in the CODECR screenshot as follows:

ric = 'NEM'
sDate = '2023-02-06'

rd.get_data(universe=ric,fields=['TR.DealDate','TR.DealCurrency','TR.DealType','TR.DealSynopsis','TR.DealAttitude'],parameters={'SDate': sDate,'DealDateType':'AD'})


I hope this can help.

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@jason.ramchandani01 thank you for your response!

Unfortunately, this only seems to work for M&A deals, but not for Shareholder Activism Campaigns (which I am trying to access). Since I can access the SDC Deal Numbers of those Campaigns pretty easily, I tried to get some data on specific deals using get_data (as explained in this question), but unfortunately, it is not returning any data. It seems like it is not finding Shareholder Activism Campaigns in the M&A universe.

Do you know how to adjust the code so that I can access the Shareholder Activism Tearsheets (as shown in my initial questions)?

Thanks a lot.

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@maa1112 Hi sorry I didn't realise this was the domain you were looking at - the Shareholder Activism view is not available as a search view per se- so I am just trying to see how I can get a universe using a generic search approach - please bear with me - I will get back when I have something.

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@jason.ramchandani01 thank you so much!

If accessing this view is to difficult, do you maybe know if there is a way to download multiple Excel files or documents at once?

I could manually download every Tearsheet as an Excel file, but that would take way too much time. But if there is a way to download multiple of those Tearsheets into Excel files at once, that would already help me a lot since I could build a script and extract the data out of those Excel files.

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