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Refinivit Workspace (WEB)

Hi Team,

Can you please share API formula for Factor and factor effective date 2. Country of issuer 3.Country of Issuance 4. Delisted Status

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Hi @kavinkumar.kalimuthu

You will need to provide more details. Which API? This site is here to help users with the use of our APIs so we'll need to better understand what data you need - "formula for Factor' is quite vague.

19k 85 39 63

Hi @kavinkumar.kalimuthu,

The best way for you to determine how to retrieve this kind of content via our API is utilize the CodeBook app within Refinitiv Workspace. Within there, you can find examples of the use of the API I'm recommending, i.e.


Within the folder 'Refinitiv Data Library', you will find general examples of the use of the API.

To determine how to retrieve the data, you will need to first figure out what data fields to retrieve. You use the Data Item Browser (DIB). Within there, you can search for fields, which is what I generally did. However, if you do have trouble identifying whether the content exists, you will need to reach out to the Help & Support within Refinitiv Workspace.

Using the DIB, I did pull up some fields (Note: not all may be correct - this you will need to go through the support channel and they will bring in a content specialist).

Here is the general code:

import refinitiv.data as rd


# Using US - Govt Series B
rd.get_data(['91282CGM7='], ['TR.PRICEFACT', 'TR.FiAssetStatusEffectiveDate',
                            'TR.FiIssuerCountryName', 'TR.FiIssuerISOCountryName',
                            'TR.FiAssetStatusDescription', 'TR.FiAssetStatusEffectiveDate'])


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We are looking for to run API to pull these detail ; Factor (for fixed Income) and factor effective date 2. Country of issuer 3.Country of Issuance 4. Delisted Status for bulk securities in Refinitiv workspace (Web). Please share the API formula like TR.RIC

Please let me know if any thing required.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.