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Historical one-off load for futures

I am looking to download historical IntradaySummaries extract for these chain rics(0#LCO;0#LGO;0#LRB;0#WTCL;).

I am using C# .Net core.

What should be the workflow? I am following below link.

Tutorials | Devportal (

What should be the start and end date query? And how I would know once I have posted the request for extraction for its completion. Do I keep on checking with Get request buy Job Id?

Could you please advise on the workflow and query date ranges?



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@bhawana.aggarwal So thanks for your question.

In terms of the workflow - this document describes the workflow - when you submit your request you will receive a status message (202 is accepted but not yet complete, then you poll until you receive a 200 Status OK message with a body which includes a JobID - that is what you need to download the completed extract). This is covered in some depth in the document i posted.

In terms of QueryStartDate and QueryEndDate - you just put which dates you want with timestamp (set at T00:00:00.000Z) as necessary in the Condition section of the request) - see this screenshot from the tutorial.


There are also some .NET tutorials here

I hope this can help. Let us know how you get on.

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