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Bad Account Credentials

I need to access to Bot api via websocket, but it seems that my profil was created with the bad credentials, in fact i need developer credentials. the result for my curl command is {"error":"invalid_client" ,"error_description":"Invalid Application Credential." } *

what can i do to fix this issue ? thanks for your help

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Ok thanks,

I contacted, but for now as there is new Bot api that will arrive, they stopped to deliver new Bot api accounts.

thansk you for your help.


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Hello @belkacem.medjroud

I am assuming that your cURL command looks similar to this:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=<MyBotUserName>' \
--data-urlencode 'password=<myBotPassword>' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id==<myBotAppKey>' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=trapi.messenger' \
--data-urlencode 'takeExclusiveSignOnControl=true'

Please use the App Key for the Client ID. Ensure that EDP API has been checked before generating the app key:


The tool is available in Eikon/Workspace (go to the Search Bar and type APP KEY, then select the AppKey Generator). Please access with your Eikon account, not your bot account.)

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Hello @wasin.w

my curl command is as follows :

curl -v -d "grant_type=password&username=<my_username>&password=<my_password>&client_id=<key_my_user>&scope=trapi.messenger&takeExclusiveSignOnControl=true" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -s -X POST ""

in fact i used my personal user , password

i used to generate the key associated to my personal user because from my local Refinitiv messenger i donot find the APP Key generator

the main issue here is how i can get a bot user, password, i think that my profil initially is not profil dedicated to developer; if this is true how can i fix this and what service from refinitiv can i ask to fix that.

Thanks a lot for your help


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I add my welcome email here and i think my user account is not dedicated to developer profil


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Dear Belkacem,

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Getting Started

To start using your Refinitiv Messenger account:

  1. Install Refinitiv Messenger

    If your firm allows you to install software onto your PC, click here.
    If your firm does not allow you to install software please consult with your local IT staff to request the install of your company approved software package.
  2. Set your password

    At the sign-in screen click on the ‘Forgotten your password?’ link, then enter your credentials [see below] when prompted.
    You will receive an email from containing a secure link valid only for 1 hour. Use this link to set your password.

Finally, submit your credentials and password at the Refinitiv Messenger sign-in screen to get started.

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Hello @belkacem.medjroud

Thank you for the information. It seems the current user password is the Messenger application account credential, not the Bot account.

If you are interested in the Messenger Bot API, please contact a Refinitiv representative to help you with the Bot access credential.

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Hello @wasin.w

thanks you for your help,

where i can find email adress of Refinitiv representative for Bot access credential ?

Thanks a lot

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Hello @belkacem.medjroud

I highly recommend you contact the Refinitiv representative or the person who helped you with the Messenger application account.

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