Hi, I am trying to collect ESG via RD and the Bulk method as shown on GitHub, but Getting the following error that seem to come from the RD library... Am I doing something wrong?
# !pip install refinitiv-data import refinitiv.data as rd # pip install httpx==0.21.3 rd.open_session(config_name="C:\\Example.DataLibrary.Python-main\\Example.DataLibrary.Python-main\\Configuration\\refinitiv-data.config.json") from refinitiv.data.content.esg import bulk rd.open_session("platform.rdp") # "desktop.workspace", "platform.rdp"
rd.load_config("refinitiv-data.bulk.config.json") pkg_manager = bulk.PackageManager("esg.standard_scores") pkg_manager.update_files() pkg_manager.update_db() response = bulk.Definition("esg.standard_scores", universe="4295533401").get_db_data() response.data.df
My platform session works fine (I can get other types of financial data via `get_history` for eg). So I don't think that's the issue... Am I not permissioned for this data?
I imported the json file and placed it in the same path where I'm runing my code... Do I need to change this json file?