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I am kind of new to EMA & ETA. I'm already config EMA Consumer to connect to ELEKTRON_DD. It works normally

But I don't know what is ELEKTRON_DD service name and what data it provided. Is that real market data or dummy data?

I want to get real market data for WYNN.BLUE symbol so what service name will provide that data.
Thank you

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

The ELEKTRON_DD is the default service name for the Refinitiv Real-Time network. This service can provide Level I and Level II real-time data, and news and it is real market data.

You need to use RICs to subscribe to the ELEKTRON_DD service. You can use the RIC Search tool to search for RICs.


If a RIC is available, you can use it with ETA or EMA to get real-time data. You can modify the examples in the package, such as Cons100, to subscribe to RICs.

For example:

consumer.registerClient(ReqMsg().serviceName("ELEKTRON_DD").name("WYNN.BLUE"), client);

If you have permission to access this item, you will see the following output.


For more information regarding the APIs, you refer to the following links:

I hope that this information is of help.

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