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I am getting Error while running ERT which configured EMA application

We have ERT application which configured through EMA. But we are getting below error and stopping our data consumption.

ClientName: LoginCallbackClient

Severity: Error

Text: RDMLogin stream was closed with status message


tusernameType 1

State: Closed/Suspect/Not entitled - text: \"Force Logout from DACS.

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Hi @saimahesh.mummaneni ,

There's the same issue in this thread with an answer below provided

The status message "Closed / Suspect" on the Login stream indicates that the logins stream between the API and the server is closed. The closed login stream also closes all opened streams and the API will not recover the streams.

The application needs to re-create the OMMConsumer to re-open the login stream to reconnect to the server.

The 'Force Logout from DACS.' error message is generated from the server. If the client is connecting to the RTO, I highly recommend the client contact the RTO support team to verify the server-side.

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Thanks @raksina.samasiri . can you please share RTO team connect details.

Hi @saimahesh.mummaneni ,

The RTO team can be connected via MyRefinitiv

Select Product and Content Support > The product does not work as expected

Then select Product: Refinitiv Real-Time - Optimized


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