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How to get price data for delisted RICs using old RICs?


I have 2 questions:

1. I'm trying to fetch prices for few delisted RICs for eg APOL.OQ^B17 but I have the old RICs i.e APOL.OQ. Is there anyway to fetch the prices directly using the old ticker or convert the old RICs to new RICs (P.S. Have tried rdp.search('APOL.OQ') and ek.get_symbology, doesnt seem to work).

2. Can we generate a list of all stocks that existed in US markets (both listed and delisted as of now) and the RICs.

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Dear @BlackBird ,

Thank you for your question. In order to get the price data for the delisted assets you need to query with the delisted RIC:

df = rd.get_history('APOL.OQ^B17')

To get the delisted RIC you can use the Search capabilities of Refinitiv Data Library:

view = rd.discovery.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES,
    query = 'APOL.OQ*',
top = 10,
filter = "SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Equities' and RCSIssuerCountryLeaf eq 'United States'",
select = "DTSubjectName,ExchangeName,RIC,IssueISIN,Gics,AssetState,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,CUSIP,CinCUSIP,SEDOL,RCSAssetCategoryLeaf,RCSCurrencyLeaf,ExDividendDate,RCSIssuerCountryLeaf,IsActive"


To answer your second question, you may use the following query and modify the select fields as necessary:

view = rd.discovery.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES,
top = 10,
filter = "SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Equities' and RCSIssuerCountryLeaf eq 'United States'",
select = "DTSubjectName,ExchangeName,RIC,IssueISIN,Gics,AssetState,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,CUSIP,CinCUSIP,SEDOL,RCSAssetCategoryLeaf,RCSCurrencyLeaf,ExDividendDate,RCSIssuerCountryLeaf,AssetState"


Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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