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unable to ping host ""

Hi Team,

I am calling DSS API with Oracle PL/SQ using apex_web_service.make_rest_request. we have created the ACL using the host => '', We are getting ORA-53203: security violation error.

To investigate this issue i am trying to ping but getting request timeout, can you please help on this.


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Hi @muhammad.imran

Please could you try host as:

Source: datascope-product-suite-connection-options.pdf downloaded from the DataScope Select product page on MyRefinitiv portal.

Best regards,


@gareth.teage Thanks, But we cannot put any / in host name. I have created the ACL with the host name *



acl => 'dss_api.xml',

host => '*',

lower_port => 443,

upper_port => NULL




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Hello all,

Just for the sake of completeness - the public host is not pingable. Ping is not enabled on this and many other services facing the internet and is a standard practice.

Your application will have to use HTTPS GET/POST etc to interact with these servers.

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Hi @muhammad.imran ,

I looked up this Oracle error message and found the suggestion below

You need to make sure the related access control list (ACL) assigned and the right privilege has been granted to your target host.

Can you try using the host "" with the ACL instead of "" and see if it's able to connect?

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@raksina.samasiri Thanks for your help and suggestion still facing same with I have created ACL with host name but not working. ACL not allowing me to put https:// in host name is it correct?

In addition I am unbale to ping and getting timeout for both the below hosts?



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Thanks @raksina.samasiri and @gareth.teage for your help on this. Issue got resolved by putting additional aparameter p_wallet_pwd (wallet password) and i have recreated the oracle wallet and only import intermediary certificate in it.

l_response := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(

p_url => '',

p_http_method => 'POST',

p_wallet_path => 'file:///home/dev/apiwallet/https_wallet',

p_wallet_pwd => 'xyz',

p_body => l_body


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