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How to find Ultimate Parent ID for all municipal bonds using rdp api?

How to add Next Call Date, Ultimate Parent ID, and Organization Ultimate Parent using rdp api? I tried the following code but several columns didn't show up anything (TR.FINextCallDate, TR.FIPurposeDescription, TR.FIWorstRedemEvent, TR.MUNIRating, TR.UltimateParentId, TR.UltimateParent, TR.CompanyCntPostalCodeAddr).

response =

view = rdp.SearchViews.MunicipalInstruments,

top = 10000,

select = "IssuerName, Ticker, CouponRate, IssueDate, MaturityDate, CUSIP, RIC, \

TR.FINextCallDate, TR.FIPurposeDescription, TR.FIWorstRedemEvent,\

TR.MUNIRating, TR.UltimateParentId, TR.UltimateParent, TR.CompanyCntPostalCodeAddr"


How to fix this?

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Hi @jg6180 ,

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately you may not find the TR fields using Search API, however there might be alternative fields providing the content you are looking for. You can use the following code to get the metadata of a Search view:

response = rdp.Search.get_metadata(
    view = rdp.SearchViews.MunicipalInstruments,


Additionally, this article might be very useful for discovering fields in Search. Please note that this article is using our latest Refinitiv Data Libraries for Python and you may consider shifting to that Library as it provides better functionality and ease of use. You may find the documentation along with the examples here.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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Hello @h.aramyan01 ,

Then how to find TR values for all municipal bonds in EIKON using API?

I tried to feed all the municipal bonds into ek.get_data, but often receive errors as following:

[MainThread 4338746752] Backend error. 400 Bad Request

How to fix this?



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Sure, @raksina.samasiri , sorry I have missed this.

Dear @jg6180 , you may use Data Item Browser (type DIB in the search box) from Refinitiv Workspace for finding TR fields. For more comprehensive answer on the available fields I would advice raising a content question via the Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyRefinitiv.

As it comes to the error from the get_data, it can be because of using too many RICs and/or fields in your request. I would advise breaking the request in chunks. Additionally, you may want to wrap your API requests in a Try Except statements to catch the errors and address the exceptions accordingly (eg retry the request, move to next, etc).

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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