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Getting Realized & Implied volatilities for different time horizon for STOXX50E and SPX (.SP500) indices.

I can pull realized data for multiple time horizon but I need series of data. Below is an example for .STOXX50E

However this is for one data point i.e, only latest value. I need series of data, example like data series for last 6 months or 1 year or 5 years for every business day for different time horizon.

Also, I do not see implied volatility field for each time horizon in code creator app. I also require this in data series like above for realized volatility.

Can you please help ?

  1. import refinitiv.data.eikon as ek
  2. ek.set_app_key('DEFAULT_CODE_BOOK_APP_KEY')
  3. df, err = ek.get_data(
  4. instruments = ['.STOXX50E'],
  5. fields = [
  6. 'TR.Volatility10D',
  7. 'TR.Volatility30D'
  8. ]
  9. )
  10. display(df)
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