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.Net SDK connect to Realtime Optimized

Dear Support team,

I would like to know that is there any custom sdk program that connects to Realtime Optimized to get the market values from that. The result includes Bid/Ask/Mid values, and market time.

Thank you

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I think the RTSDK C# supports Version 2 Authentication which requires Service account creation (Client ID and Client Secret).

If you have Version 1 Authentication (username, password, and client ID), you need to use other APIs, such as RD Library for .NET or WebSocket API.

For more information regarding Version 2 Authentication, please refer to the Getting Started with Version 2 Authentication for Refinitiv Real-Time and Data Platform: Overview article.

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Hi @tunglt15

I would suggest you refer to the Realtime Optimized C# library within Git.

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So sorry for my late reply.

Thank all of you for your suggestion.

I already resolved my problem.

one again, thank so much.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.