As in Excel I want to get data for the following formula in Excel:
I tried this jupyter notebook:
currency = "EUR"
bs_fields = ["AVAIL(""TR.CashAndSTInvestments"",""TR.CashandEquivalents""+""TR.Cash""+""TR.STInvestments"")"]
as_of_date = "2023-06-30"
freq = "FY"
period = "FY0, FY-2"
bs_result = fundamental_and_reference.Definition(
universe = ric_liste,
fields = bs_fields,
parameters = {"Scale": 6, "SDate": as_of_date, "Period": period, \
"FRQ": freq, "Curn": currency, "IncludePartial": "No"}
I get the error:
Error code 234 | The 'TR.Cash' is unexpected in formula. A delimiter is probably missing before the lexeme.
I had tried only the "AVAIL"-function with two fields and it works with double ".
But in combination with the addition it doesn't work.
How can I get the result as requested?