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Authentication Error : Failed to get access token 429 - {"error":"429" ,"error_description":"Request rate too high." }

While using rdpToken.py for Authentication, I am getting error that Failed to get access token 429 - {"error":"429" ,"error_description":"Request rate too high." },
https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token API is used for Authentication.

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Hi @ETLBATeam,

The message means what it states in the status - the request rate at which your application is requesting a new token is too high. An access token is valid for a period of time, and in that period it can be used to make API calls using the same token. No need to request a new token everytime. If you see the rdpToken.py - it saves the token in a file and requests a new token only if the old one is expired.

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Hi @Gurpreet ,
Is their any way to delete old/existing token as I don't see any token in folder.

Is the token being saved - does the script has write permission on the FS - can you paste the output of the rdpToken.py script.

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