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How to permanently remove Refinitiv Messenger chatbot from chatrooms?


The bot we are using was added to many chatrooms in the past, and some of them are no longer in use. Is there any way we can get the bot removed from these chatrooms so that they no longer appear when we call the list_chatrooms method (in the example bot API) ?

Thanks and regards,
Keng Onn

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Hello @kengonn.wong

The Messenger Bot team advise you use the /participants/remove API to remove the bot from the chatroom.

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Ahh I see, ok. I'll give that a shot and update on how that goes :). Thanks!
It worked! Thanks so much!!! :)
27.1k 65 17 14

Hello @kengonn.wong

Thank you for contacting us. There is a leave a chatroom API call via the HTTP REST as follows:

HTTP Request




Based on your chatroom type

Request Header:

Authorization: Bearer <STS Token>

Request Body:

No request body required.

You can find more detail about a leave a chatroom API call from the Messenger Bot API Documentation page.

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Hi Wasin,


I am aware of this method though, and I have tried this method before. What it does is to 'grey out' the bot so that it is no longer active in the chatroom. See screenshot:


What I'm looking for is to remove the chatbot entirely from the chatroom.

Is it possible to do it via some bot API method? (something like 'kick' / 'remove' and not the leave_chatroom method)

Thanks and regards,
Keng Onn

Hello @kengonn.wong

I checked the API document. I cannot find the other methods to leave the chatroom.

Let me check with the Messenger Bot team and get back to you.

Hi Wasin, appreciate your help, thanks so much!

Same as you, I couldn't find other methods to leave the chatroom too. "Kick" / "Remove" are options that we can select in Refinitiv chatroom but not mentioned in the bot API > <.

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To permanently remove the Refinitiv Messenger chatbot from chatrooms, you can try the following steps:

Access the chatrooms where the bot was added.

Use the appropriate commands or interface to remove the bot from each chatroom.

Once removed, the bot should no longer appear when calling the list_chatrooms method in the bot API.{chatroomId}/leave omegle

Best regards,

Keng Onn

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Hi @mariakenneth147 , I don't have access to the chatrooms where the bot was added. What worked for me in the end was the /remove command, not /leave.

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