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RKD historical ratios

hi everyone,

I am interested in getting historical ratios report (such as PE ratios) for stocks. Would you kindly advise me on whether RKD provides such data? I would imagine something like GetRatioReports but with with requested date time. This endpoint doesn't have any date requested so I assume it only provide snapshot data.

Many thanks and best regards,

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Hello @luongt

I checked the case 12810063. The RKD team confirms the Fundamentals does not have the historical ratios and they are refreshed each day. The API have field PDATE which is telling for which day price was picked and is based on this price ratios are calculated.

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Hello @luongt

I have checked the RKD API Get Ratios Report and Get Ratios & Statistics. The endpoints do not have date parameters query.

I am contacting the RKD API team to help you with this question.

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Hello @luongt

Sorry for the late reply. I have submitted a support ticket 12810063 to the RKD API support team to help you with this question. The support team will contact you directly via a separate email.

I hope this helps.

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