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Can i replicate this data retrieval from Eikon API to the RDP Search APi https://apidocs.refinitiv.com/?

I am using the Eikon python api to get data about Quaterly reports.

data, err = ek.get_data(






The data i get is the desired data, but i want to ask if it is possible to get this same data from RDP or the discovery API by refinitiv?

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I have searched meta data of all views in the RDP Search API. However, I can't find the EventStartTime and EventStartDate fields.

You can access the Reference page of the /discovery/search/v1/ endpoint in the API Playground for more information.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.