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TLS Supported versions


I have a question from our Dev Team regarding the version of TLS supported by a RFA API (trying to connect to an Elektron host xx-yy01).

I have some details of the API(log) from them:-

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\connectionType = "RSSL"

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\rsslPort = "24003"

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\hostName = "xx-yy01"

I 'm trying to determine if the RFA API's enforce TLS 1.2?

And if the ones we are currently thinking of using support both TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 or if they are just TLS 1.1 compliant. How can I check please.

Thanks very much

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Hello @dabinder.bhatti

The RFA team informs me that the API supports the following TLS versions


However, the team suggests the client uses version 1.2 which both ADS and RFA support.

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Hello @dabinder.bhatti

I am checking with the RFA team. In the meantime, I found the following information on the ADS README file.


    The Advanced Distribution Server (ADS) is a point-to-point distribution
    component. ADS with multi-threading enabled offers higher performance when
    compared with ADS with no threads enabled.

    Beginning in version 3.4.0, TLSv1.2 is the only encryption protocol version
    supported. Older encryption protocol versions are no longer supported.
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@wasin.w Client has an application which uses RFA 7.x to connect to ADS 3.7.1 and they are asking if RFA 7.x support TLS? Would you be able to advice?



Hello @David Tan

Please be informed that the answered question will not be monitored. Please post a new question next time.

I have checked the RFA readme file. The TLS feature is available with RFA 8.x versions and RTSDK only.


rfaj3735; An HTTPS tunneling connection cannot be configured to allow
different protocol versions of SSL/TLS handshaking.
The RSSL config variable "tunnelingSecurityProtocol" has been added
to handle different TLS versions. See RFA Config Guide for details.

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@wasin.w Noted Wasin, and thanks for information. In future, will post a new thread.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.