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We use API search function to retrieve data, but it returns unknown property 'ProviderSymbol'. The field in Eikon Client is "PROV_SYMB"

df =



filter="(ProviderSymbol eq 'm2401')",




"return_code": 500,

"return_info": "Error code 400 | Invalid filter: unknown property 'ProviderSymbol'",

"result": {}


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

This ProviderSymbol is not a valid field in the COMMODITY_QUOTES.

You can use the following code to the all available fields in the COMMODITY_QUOTES.

response = search.metadata.Definition(
    view = search.Views.COMMODITY_QUOTES  # Required parameter


I tried m2401 in Eikon and it doesn't show anything.


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@Jirapongse thanks. I asked another question is related to this question. Could you have a look at it? ( I got a reply to use search function to get the RIC code.

86k 292 53 78


I assume that m2401 is from Ticker (M) and Expirate Date (Jan 24).

If my assumption is correct, the seach query should be:

  "View": "CommodityQuotes",
  "Filter": "TickerSymbol eq 'M' and ContractMonthYear eq 'Jan 24' and AssetStateName eq 'Active' and RCSAssetCategoryLeaf xeq 'Commodity Future' and ExpiryDateString ne null",
  "Select": "DocumentTitle,RIC,AssetType,ContractMonthYear,Periodicity,RCSAssetCategoryLeaf,RCSAssetClass,RCSCurrencyLeaf,ExchangeCode,ExpiryDateString"

The output is:

  "Total": 1,
  "Hits": [
      "DocumentTitle": "DCE Soybean Meal Commodity Future Jan 2024, Commodity Future, Dalian Commodity Exchange",
      "RIC": "DSMF4",
      "AssetType": [
      "ContractMonthYear": "Jan 24",
      "Periodicity": "Irregular",
      "RCSAssetCategoryLeaf": "Commodity Future",
      "RCSAssetClass": "FUT",
      "RCSCurrencyLeaf": "Chinese Yuan",
      "ExchangeCode": "DLC",
      "ExpiryDateString": "15 Jan 2024"
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"TickerSymbol eq 'M' and ContractMonthYear eq 'Jan 24' and AssetStateName eq 'Active' and RCSAssetCategoryLeaf xeq 'Commodity Future' and ExpiryDateString ne null",

Hi , I want to replace 'TickerSymbol' with 'TradingSymbol’, but It's not valid.


What is the solution to solve it

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@Jirapongse Can you help me solve this problem


I couldn't find this "TradingSymbol" field in the CommodityQuotes.

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