
0 0 1 2

[Consumer_2] is an non-existent consumer name

I am getting below while trying to consume

OmmConsumerConfigImpl::consumerName parameter [Consumer_2] is an non-existent consumer name

I am written below code to connect consumer


consumer = EmaFactory.createOmmConsumer(EmaFactory.createOmmConsumerConfig().consumerName("Consumer_2"));

consumer.registerClient( EmaFactory.createReqMsg().serviceName("DIRECT_FEED").name("IBM.N"), appClient, 0);



post that I am trying to run below commands

gradle runEMAPerfProvider --args=" -providerName Perf_Provider_1 -tickRate 1000 -updateRate 100000 -latencyUpdateRate 10 -msgFile MsgData.xml -runTime 240"

and consumer side:

java -jar reps-automation-elektron-ema-1.0.0.jar --username="GE-A-00207068-3-8473" --ricorcontrib="FINR" --password="XXXXXX"

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Hello @saimahesh.mummaneni

Thank you for the information. You can change the EmaConfig.xml to be a ".txt" file and post here.

Back to the original question, when you run this Java "java -jar reps-automation-elektron-ema-1.0.0.jar --username="GE-A-00207068-3-8473" --ricorcontrib="FINR" --password="XXXXXX"" command, which folder you are in the prompt?

  • The project home folder (reps-automation-elektron-ema folder)
  • The target folder (reps-automation-elektron-ema/target folder)

If you run the application from the reps-automation-elektron-ema/target folder, you need to copy the EmaConfig.xml file to the target folder too.

If you run the application from the project home folder, you can use the following command:

java -jar .;target/ --<param>
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Hello @saimahesh.mummaneni

Do you have the "Consumer_2" configuration in the EmaConfig.xml file or the programmatic configurations?

The "OmmConsumerConfigImpl::consumerName parameter [Consumer_2] is an non-existent consumer name" error message indicates that the API cannot find the "Consumer_2" config node in the API configurations.

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We have Consumer_2 is present in EmaConfig.xml

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Hello @saimahesh.mummaneni

Thank you for the clarification. The EmaConfig.xml file must be in the same directory as the application. Did you place the file in the right folder?

If the file is already in the same place as the application, please give us the following information for further investigation:

  • The version of EMA Java (or RTSDK)
  • The Java compiler and OS information
  • The EmaConfig.xml file
  • The folder structure.
  • The full log file when the issue occurs
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I am using below

  • The version of EMA Java (or RTSDK)
  • The Java compiler and OS information - java 11 and windows 10
  • The EmaConfig.xml file - I am unable to add file
  • The folder structure.
  • 1695364885025.png
  • The full log file when the issue occurs--

2023-09-22 12:42:16.062 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.Consumer : Consumer started....

2023-09-22 12:42:19.286 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.AppClient : Services :

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : ap-northeast-1a

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : ap-northeast-1a ap-northeast-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : ap-northeast-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : ap-southeast-1a

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : ap-southeast-1a ap-southeast-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : ap-southeast-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : eu-central-1a

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : eu-central-1a eu-central-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : eu-central-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : eu-west-1a

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : eu-west-1a eu-west-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : eu-west-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : us-east-1a

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : us-east-1a us-east-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : us-east-1b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : us-east-2a

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : us-east-2a us-east-2b

Service :

Provider : aws

Transport : tcp

Endpoint :

Port : 14002

Data Format : rwf

Location : us-east-2b

2023-09-22 12:42:24.454 WARN 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Warning

Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_1

RsslReactor @4487c0c2

RsslChannel @126f1ba8

Error Id 0

Internal sysError 0

Error Location Reactor.processWorkerEvent

Error text Error - exceeded initialization timeout (5 s)


2023-09-22 12:42:29.453 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg

ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient

Severity: Info

Text: Received ChannelUp event on channel Channel_1

Instance Name Consumer_1_1

Component Version ads3.7.0.E3.linux.rrg 64-bit


2023-09-22 12:42:39.397 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.Consumer : ConsumerClient.getConsumer() ::: ElementList


2023-09-22 12:42:39.397 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.Consumer : ConsumerClient.getConsumer() ::: com.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.AppClient@49a64d82

2023-09-22 12:42:39.399 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.Consumer : ConsumerClient.getConsumer() ::: com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl@5c7668ba

2023-09-22 12:42:39.403 INFO 17004 --- [ main] c.refinitiv.reps.ema.consumer.PerfTool : Perf Consumer started....

OmmConsumerConfigImpl::consumerName parameter [Consumer_2] is an non-existent consumer name

1695364885025.png (13.4 KiB)
icon clock
10 |1500

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