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OpenAPI Spec for Version 2 Authentication

Good morning,

We are being migrated to Version 2 authentication for our WebSocket API. My non-functional team is looking for the OpenAPI spec for the new API so that they can register the egress pattern. I have spent some time looking around the portal but have not been able to find it.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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As I know, the API docs can provide swagger files.

You can download the version 2 authentication swagger file.


I am not sure if you can use it as OpenAPI specification. I can copy the JSON fie to this website (

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Hell @bevan

You can find the Version 2 Authentication information from the following resources:

The WebSocket examples (C#, Java, Python, and Go) are available on repository. The Version 2 examples are xx_client_cred_auth_xx and xx_jwt_aut_xx examples.

I hope this information helps.

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Thanks for the feedback Wasin. Those are where I started.

I explicitly need the OpenApi specification so that the non-functional team can register the outgoing API on Gravitee Gateway.

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Thanks Jirapongse,

That looks very promising, but I don't seem to have access. I am the developer of the product I am working on, but my clients hold the subscriptions we use themselves.

Is there anywhere else I can retrieve this document?

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Please contact your Refinitiv account team or sales team regarding how to access the API documents at

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