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Refinitiv Data Library (Python) - Cannot prepare connection OMMStreamConnection

Hello all,

I have been facing an issue today and I am unsure about how to rectify it. When trying to fetch data using the get_data method I receive an error as follows: Error code -1 | Cannot prepare connection OMMStreamConnection
name             : ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.0
state            : StreamCxnState.Disposed
subprotocol      : tr_json2
is_auto_reconnect: True
can_reconnect    : False
num_attempt      : 0

In order to debug I have further gone ahead and enabled logging in the config file, and have noticed the below message:

[2023-09-19T16:43:14.329549+04:00] - [sessions.desktop.workspace.0] - [DEBUG] - [33252 - ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.20] - [stream_connection] - [_on_message] - [OMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.20] on_ws_message [{"ID": 2, "State": {"Code": "ConnectionError", "Data": "Suspect", "Stream": "Closed", "Text": "Cannot establish connection to the platform"}, "Type": "Status"}]
[2023-09-19T16:43:14.329549+04:00] - [sessions.desktop.workspace.0] - [DEBUG] - [33252 - ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.20] - [omm_stream_connection] - [_handle_login_message] - [OMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.20] received a closing message: state=StreamCxnState.Connecting, message={'ID': 2, 'State': {'Code': 'ConnectionError', 'Data': 'Suspect', 'Stream': 'Closed', 'Text': 'Cannot establish connection to the platform'}, 'Type': 'Status'}
[2023-09-19T16:43:14.331196+04:00] - [sessions.desktop.workspace.0] - [DEBUG] - [33252 - ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.20] - [stream_connection] - [dispose] - [OMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.20] is disposing [d], StreamCxnState.Disconnected
[2023-09-19T16:43:14.331196+04:00] - [sessions.desktop.workspace.0] - [DEBUG] - [12836 - OpenUniverseStreams-Thread_0] - [_stream_cxn_cache] - [get_cxn] - StreamCxnCache: Connection will be deleted, because failure

Can someone kindly help me and let me know the best way to restore the connection to the platform? I have attempted to clear the application cache, restart my system, and can confirm that my Realtime and Heartbeat are OK.

#technologypython apirefinitiv-data-platform-librariesconnectionerror-1
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

According to the log, you are using the desktop session (sessions.desktop.workspace). With this session, the library connects to the desktop application (Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace) to retrive the data.

The log reports this error ('Cannot establish connection to the platform'). It could be the problem on the desktop application so you need to contact the Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify what the problem is.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.