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How to obtain data for the number of segments for a list of companies?

I have a list of companies, roughly over 300 in total, and I would need to get data on how many business and/or operating segments each company has. Screener doesn't let me do this. Does anyone know a possible solution?

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@lauri.karimo Thanks for your question - we have written an article on how to get segment level data (we offer both Geographic and Business Segment level data) - the example in the article concentrates mainly on Geographic segments - however these are easily switched out by selecting the appropriate Business segment fields (beginning with BUS as opposed to GEO). You can do this using the Data Item Browser app (type DIB into Eikon Search bar) and go to Company Fundamentals -> Standardized Fundamentals -> Segments: You can then see all the fields and their parameters to request in the same way as the article shows for Geo segments:


Here is an example to get you started quickly using our newest Refinitiv Data Libraries:

import as rd


I hope this can help.

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1695818872837.png (28.2 KiB)
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FYI Row 0 is Total Revenue
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To get the number of segments for a list of companies, with over 300 in total, when Screener doesn't work, you can try searching for this information on the companies' official websites, or contact them directly through their investor relations department. You may also explore financial databases or consult professional services that provide such data for businesses.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.