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DACSStation Web Services API - How to connect using HTTPS in Java SOAP client?

I am developing a Java-based client that accesses DACS Station via the WSI SOAP interface.

It works fine where connection is allowed just using HTTP, but now I need to connect to an instance where only HTTPS access is allowed.

The Developers Guide gives info on a method setting DACS_SSL_INFO where using the DacsWSClient.jar and I have verified that works if that jar is used, but my program does not use this - it just uses classes generated from the WSDL definitions.

Is there an example (or instructions) available for how to connect via Java using HTTPS in this circumstance?

(also where can I download the latest WSDL defs for this interface? - does not appear to be included in Downloads section of Developer portal)

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can get the WSDL file from the DACS server, as mentioned in the DACS Station API Quick Start.


You can use https if you configured DACS Web Service to support secured connections.

You can refer to the DACS Station API - Quick Start Guide - Java or use other tools, such as Apache CXF to generate classes from the WSDL.

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Thank you Jirapongse for your answer.

I'm able to download the wsdl and xsd schema using the method suggested to a local DACSStation which allows http - thanks for tip on that.

Could you elaborate on the comment "You can use https if you configured DACS Web Service to support secured connections". Is this a reference to some set up that needs to be done on DACSStation server through DACS GUI?

My problem is still accessing a remotely hosted DACSStation instance which I believe does support secured connections, just not sure how. The bit of code I'm struggling with is in providing the right kind of certificates, keystores so that connection is not refused. Do you have any java examples showing how to create the required certificates/keystores and provide them in a request?

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Please check the DACS installation guide regarding Configuring Apache Tomcat for SSL/TLS.

Otherwise, you can contact the DACS support team directly via MyRefinitiv for any further assistances.

You can use the OpenSSL tool to generate certificate files, as mentioned in this article.

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Thanks again Jirapongse.

I actually discovered that my problem was being caused by an internal port blocking security program, not by an issue with the certificates and have resolved it OK now.

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Thanks for posting. I was also looking for the same. Now got the solution from your comment section.

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