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Sustainability related data in RDP (Python)

I am looking for GHG and other sustainability (eventually monetized) related data in RDP (Python, Windows). Where can I find these? I do not where to start from. Many thanks in advance. Grigorios

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Hello @grigorios.mamalis

There is the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) data available in RDP via the /data/environmental-social-governance endpoint. You can find more information from the following resources:

I hope this information helps.

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Hi @grigorios.mamalis,

In addition to ESG, RDP also has data on Green revenues and Taxonomies. These are provided as REST APIs and also as bulk file downloads in the JSON or CSV format.

You can see an example use of bulk API (CFS) use in this article. There will be another article shortly which will demonstrate calculating the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Many thanks to both of you for the wealth of info you shared with me. Have a good one.

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