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36 0 1 4

RIC for NYMEX Brent and ICE Crude Oil in Refinitiv

Could you help me find symbols in the historical Refinitiv API:
1. NYMEX Brent Oil
2. ICE Crude Oil

I tried to search, but could't find the exact RIC for the commodities.
Also, please could you verify that I used the correct symbols for:
- ICE Brent: LCO

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36 0 1 4

BZZ - NYMEX Brent oil
WTCL - ICE Crude oil

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26.4k 62 17 14

Hello @irina.shcerbakova

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, our developer advocacy in this forum are not expert in content query. I highly recommend you contact the Content support team directly to help you with this symbols questions. You can contact the team via website as follows:


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