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Few Queries Regarding API

I have following few queries :

1.) what is the limit of getting data through the code given below like the eikon data api has 10000/day!



2.) why i am getting this error refinitiv.data._errors.RDError: Error code 503 | Backend error. 503 Service Unavailable

3.) What are the other possible errors i need to handle in python while using ek.get_news_headlines?

4.) when i am using ek.get_news_headlines this , before this step i am setting out api key and is there need that account associated with that api has to be logged in ?

5.) what is the difference between retrieving data from




using key


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Hi @rishav.jindal,

The data and request limits when using Eikon/Workspace are provided in the API documents here. In the case of news response volume limit would apply.

When using the rd module, the code is using RD Library which is a wrapper around the Eikon Data API which uses the ek module. In both the cases the use has to have the workspace or Eikon running on the local machine and be logged in.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.