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SOAP API (DSS): getting multiple RIC codes

Hi, my client is using SOAP API with DSS, they are loading ISINs to list to be used with Composite report template.

There is an issue where 10 ISINs can turn into 400+ RIC codes.

What might be causing this?

The same is not happening if I i do csv import (without exchange codes) with ISINs.

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@stefan.sirkia Hi Stefan, I know we discussed this more directly on MS Teams chat, though just for the sake of completeness of this Post it looks like this behaviour has been identified as being related to use of the asterisk (*) wildcard in the Source of Instrument List Item Validation; the use of this expands asset-level identifiers such as ISIN, etc. and this will expand down into all the quote-level RICs that are available under that ISIN.

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Thank you @gareth.teage

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