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ohlc values for an asset minute wise

Hi ,

I need to know the ohlc values of one US asset ( e.g. CLF24 ) for 08th december 2023 at IST time 15:30 i.e. need the ohlc values for this specific minute...i have got lots of US assets for which i need these values to do that

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Hi @peeush ,

You can use get_history function from RD libraries and provide value for intevnal parameter, eg tick to get all quotes within the minute or minute to get minute bars:

import as rd

example with tick (please note tick level goes only 3 month back in time):

rd.get_history('CLF24', fields = ['HIGH_1', 'LOW_1', 'OPEN_PRC', 'TRDPRC_1'], start = '2023-12-08 10:00:00', end = '2023-12-08 10:01:00', interval = 'tick')


example with minute:

rd.get_history('CLF24', fields = ['HIGH_1', 'LOW_1', 'OPEN_PRC', 'TRDPRC_1'], start = '2023-12-08 09:59:00', end = '2023-12-08 10:02:00', interval = 'minute')


Please note that the timezone is returned in GMT and you need to convert these for IST separately.

Best regards,


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