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Parallel requests when using eikon.get_news_story

Is parallel processing with the eikon module possible?

I see from this article that it is possible with Refinitiv Data (RD) Library for Python:

I also see from documentation that 5 requests per second is the rate limit when using the eikon API.

The maximum requests per second I can achieve when calling eikon.get_news_story using a single thread is about 3 per second.

I therefore tried to use the concurrent module in Python to make parallel requests but am getting an error about thread locking - something to do with eikon's session management using asyncio I think.

Is parallel processing possible with eikon or is it limited to the Refinitiv Data (RD) Library?

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Hi @Caspero, May I ask how exactly you used the article you mentioned to enable parallel requests? I am asking because the workflow shown in that article refers to .py files in which the data retreival is made, with RD:


If you would liket o do this with the Eikon Data API (EDAPI), you will have to change those calls in the .py files in question before importing them in your code.

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Hi Jonathan,

I didn't use the article I mentioned in my Eikon API script. I was using it as an example of something similar to what I have in mind for the Eikon API which is possible with RD - i.e. I was saying "if this is possible with RD maybe it's also possible with the Eikon API".

Hi @Caspero, I believe it is possible, yes. But the devil is in the detail and it depends on the specific application you woulf like to go forward with. Please do let us know on thie Developer Q&A Forum if, during your implementation, you have any further questions.
Caspero avatar image Caspero jonathan.legrand
Thank you @jonathan.legrand , having looked into it a little more I think the rate limits might ultimately making it not worthwhile to operate in parallel. If I have further questions I will be sure to ask.

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